What are Loan programs with 12-24 months of bank statements?
Loan programs with 12-24 months of bank statements are a Non-QM Loan Program.
These are designated for:
Autonomous borrowers that declare their taxes with amounts below those required by bank guidelines
Borrowers with irregular or inconsistent income
Requirements: (Program Highlights)
Minimum of 20% down payment;
Minimum credit score of 640;
Available for Primary residence, Single Family, Second Home, and investment property
Interest Option (interest only) available;
12-24 months of consistent bank statements
Accountant Letter (CPA Letter) showing the income of the borrower
Can be used for the purchase and refinancing of property
A minimum of 3 years with no credit problems (Bankruptcy, Foreclosure, Short-Sale, etc).
To find out if you qualify for 12-24 month bank statement financing, see us for a free consultation
What are ITIN# loans?
ITIN# loans are designed for borrowers that do not possess a social security number, and use an ITIN# (Income Tax Identification number – Identification for the payment of taxes in the United States) to obtain financing for properties.
ITIN# loans require a down payment between 15% and 25% of the value of the property.
You may qualify for ITIN# mortgages if you fulfill the following criteria:
You have filed your taxes with your ITIN# for at least 2 years;
You have a work history of at least 2 years in the same job
You can provide paystubs for the last 30 days.
You have a credit score of above 620
You have a DTI below 55% (with compensating factors)
You have 15%-25% of the value of the property for a down payment. Gift Funds are approved, so long as at least 5% are the borrower’s funds.
To find out if you qualify for ITIN# financing, see us for a free consultation.
We are available to answer all of your questions.